Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Sports Mama Review: SportStar GX-4 Chinstrap

Being a football mom is not for the faint of heart. The thing that helps calm my nerves the most is knowing that my boys have some of the best and safest equipment available. From helmets, to shoulder pads, to cleats. Chinstraps are no exception! Which is why No. 1's chinstrap of choice when playing football is a SportStar.

Why SportStar? For starters, and probably most importantly, it absorbs 92% of the impact on a direct hit to the chin! All other brands on the market range between only 20-36%. That is a HUGE difference! One of No. 1's teammates recently took a hit to the chin resulting in stitches...

Ouch. Not pretty! According to his mother, the first thing the ER nurse asked him was whether he was wearing a hard or soft cup chinstrap. What do you think his answer was? And for the record, he was not wearing a SportStar!

The GX-4 chinstrap also includes a gel pad for extreme comfort.

Both the gel and foam are anti-microbial helping to reduce skin rashes and irritation. What teenager can't use a little extra help in that department?!

They can even be customized to match uniforms!

No. 1 has been a quarterback for seven seasons now and has tried several different chinstraps along the way. The GX-4 is by far is favorite. He says it is "comfortable, easy to adjust, easy to put on and take off" and that the "gel feels good". He also "likes the color" options and "the way it looks".

And my boy isn't alone! 1/3 of active NFL players wear them, including the number one pick in the 2018 NFL draft, Baker Mayfield. He wore it at Oklahoma and is wearing it now with the Cleveland Browns. 3/4 of NCAA FBS programs offer SportStar chinstraps to their players as well, including Michigan, Ohio State, Texas, TCU, Stanford and several other top programs.

Want to be sure that your athlete has the best chinstrap out there? Then be sure to head to your local sporting goods store or visit their website and order them a SportStar today!

*** Disclaimer: SportStar was kind enough to send me their product, however, all thoughts and opinions are solely my own (and my son's!)***

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