Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Team Mama Idea: How to Make Senior Night Extra Special!

This past Friday was Senior Night for our high school football team! I don't have a Senior (yet!), but that didn't stop me from volunteering on the committee. If you've been following me along this #sportsmomjourney for some time now, you know I just couldn't help myself.

Here's what we did to make the night extra special for them.

We began by making each Senior player and manager a big head.

Click here for step by step instructions, with photos! We used X-ACTO knives instead of scissors/box cutters as mentioned in the tutorial.

Each player also got a Sports Illustrated magazine cover photo!

We used a template from a past Senior parent. He apparently used Microsoft Power Point to create them. We then printed and laminated each one.

We also spelled out the word SENIORS, followed by the numbers '19  along the fence down by the field using 12oz. orange plastic cups. I found the cups at my local party store.

I think we used close to 250 cups! Moral of the story, buy waaay more cups than you think you'll need. You can always return any unopened ones!

The big heads and SI posters are usually displayed on the fence as well, however, Mother Nature was not on our side at all. It rained cats and dogs

The boys also gave their mothers a flower with a hand written thank you note attached to it.

I would have been a sobbing mess. Talk about all the feels!!!

Thank you, Seniors. You will be missed!

What does your school do to celebrate this special night? Let me know in the comment section below or in the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group.

***  11/9/19 Here are a few pictures from this year's Senior Night:

And even more ideas from the awesome mamas in our Facebook Group! Have you joined us yet??

Photos submitted by Mindy G.

*** Click HERE and HERE for my most recent Senior Night ideas!!! Be sure to also check out these spirit pins (Personalized as well as Photo Option!), DIY Personalized Football Signs, and Senior Mom Jerseys! ***


  1. what did you use to put the giant heads on?

  2. We decorate the locker room. The night before the last game. With balloons and signs and streamers.

  3. How did you make the footballs that hung on the fence?

    1. Those were ordered. But I do have a post for a DIY option under Team Mama Ideas. Hope this helps!
