Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: 5 Ways to Volunteer That Don't Require a Ton of Time

An interesting topic came up yesterday on my never ending football mama group chat. We got onto the discussion of volunteers, specifically how it seems to always be the same people volunteering for everything; sports, school, etc.

After sending several eye roll gifs back and forth (true story!), our group chat moved in a different direction. One of my favorite mamas said, "I think people want to help but don't know how or are afraid to step on toes. I remember my first season I was worried about stepping on Mindy and Vanessa's toes-but I was being silly.". And you know what? I completely understood her. In fact, I replied telling her that I'm kind of at that place with No. 2's team. Now his team mama is just as sweet as she can be, and has never given me a reason to feel that way, but I still do.

That chat was the inspiration for this post. I know there are probably so many others who feel the same way; so many others who want to volunteer but may not have the time to coach or be team mama; or so many others who want to volunteer, but quite simply just don't know how.

If you fit into those one of those categories, this post is just for you.

Here are 5 great ways to volunteer that do not require too much time:

  1. Be the snack patrol. You can volunteer to organize post-game snacks and drinks for the team. Whether you send out an electronic sign-up sheet or do it the good ol' fashion way, your team mama will appreciate you... and so will those hungry and thirsty little (and maybe, not-so-little!) players!
  2. Work the concession stand. This is a way to volunteer to help not only your child's team, but the entire club as a whole. Pick a date that works for you, donate a few hours, and flip those burgers mama!
  3. Head up coaches gifts. This is a FANTASTIC way to help! Especially when your team mama is the coach's wife. It can feel a little awkward for some to ask for money to spend on their husband. Click HERE for some of my favorite end of season gift ideas!
  4. Be the team photographer. This is a great idea for those that already love being behind the camera. Volunteer to take game pictures and then post them to your team's share site. Click HERE for some of my photography tips!
  5. Work the chains (or the equivalent in your sport). Our football club requires 3 volunteers (aged 16 and over) to work the chains at all home games. The game cannot and will not begin without them. The best part is that you literally get to stand on the sidelines. There is not a better seat in the house!

Like I've said a million times before, youth sports definitely take a village!

I hope you found this post helpful. Please feel free to share any other volunteer ideas you may have in the comment section below.

Happy volunteering!

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