Sunday, September 30, 2018

Team Mama Idea: DIY Big Head Cutouts!

Homecoming 2018 is in the books! I still can't believe I'm the mama of a high schooler. Crazy! It was such a fun week. There were spirit days (i.e. Jet Lag Monday aka pajama day, Peace Out Wednesday aka tie-dye day), a pep rally, a parade, the game (we WON!), and the big dance, of course!

No. 1 and his Freshman football teammates marched in the parade alongside their class float and the cheerleaders. Us mamas wanted to do something special to catch their attention, so we made our own big heads!

They were quite simple to make and only a fraction of the cost of the ones they sell online. Want to make one to cheer on your favorite athlete? Just keep on reading!

All you need:

  • Cardboard (I found mine at my local craft store)
  • Scissors or X-Acto Knife
  • Glue
  • Large photo of your athlete (Most stores with photo departments can print them in under an hour. Don't forget to check for a coupon! For reference, my photo is a 20X30.)
  • Optional: mounting stick

All you do:

  1. Glue your photo to the cardboard. (I started with a glue stick but ended up switching to liquid glue.)
  2. Allow the glue to dry.
  3. Cut "the head" out.
  4. Cheer on your athlete!

The team loved them! They all clapped, cheered, and pointed as they walked by.

Us Frosh mamas were definitely the most spirited (and noticeable!) ones there! But you don't have to have a high schooler to make one. Take a look at these proud JMU mamas cheering on their boys. Go Spartans! Go Dukes!

For more fun ideas and to connect with hundreds of REAL Sports Mamas just like yourself, be sure to join the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group today!

*** Check out these big heads made by some of the awesome mamas in the group:

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sports Mama Review: SISU Mouthguards

What do you look for in a mouthguard? As a Sports Mama to three active boys, I always look for two things; strength and comfort.

But what if there were a mouthguard that provided strength, comfort, hygiene, remoldability, AND freedom?! Enter SISU. They provide all of that! Although their slogan is "More protection. Less mouthguard.", they definitely aren't cutting any corners!

SISU mouthguards are 8 times stronger than 30-50% of conventional ones (depending on the model you get!). They are 1.6-2.4 mm thin, making them super comfortable. Their slim, custom fit allows players to talk, breathe, even drink while wearing them, thus eliminating the need to take them out during the game. Bye-bye germs! And, they are remoldable. How many conventional mouthguards have you had to throw out due to them not being properly molded?

There are four different guards for your athlete to choose from; The GO provides essential coverage, the Aero is for all sports, the Max is for high impact sports, and the Junior is for athletes ages 7-10. No. 2 and No. 3 have been wearing their SISU GO guards for soccer and love them!

According to my boys, they "feel good, stay in place", and they "can talk and drink" with them in. This Sports Mama loves the fact that they are custom fitted (not just a boil and bite) and that my boys actually keep them in their mouths. I don't know about you, but my inner germaphobe cringes whenever I see young athletes taking their guards in and out and touching everything else in between!

They've also been using the SISU Mouthguard Spray. It's cinnamon/mint flavored and can be used to both freshen and clean.

I like that it's easily portable and can be thrown right in my Sports Mama Bag!

The only aspect that I believe they can improve on is having an option with a strap available. There are some youth sports clubs that require their athletes to have guards with straps, especially in football.

If you're in the market for a new mouthguard, I highly recommend checking them out. They even offer night guards for us teeth grinders (be sure to check back soon for my thoughts on it!).

Hit happens; get yourself a SISU Mouthguard!

*** Disclaimer: SISU was kind enough to send me their products, however, all thoughts and opinions are solely my own.***

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sports Mama Tip: Rainy Game Day Essentials

Rain, rain, go away. It rained ALL weekend long here in Northern Virginia. Ugh. But, sports must go on! After sitting through four (yes, four!) games in the rain (2 soccer and 2 football), I realized that I have yet to write a post on rainy game day essentials, so, here we are!

  • Poncho. My number one essential! I'm currently using this one. It is large, durable, and reusable. My clothes, head, and hair all stayed completely dry. I paid less than $10 for it and is holding up very well thus far!
  • Umbrella. A no brainer. I'm on the hunt for a new one. Have one that you love? Please let me know!
  • Hat. An added layer of protection under your poncho. I like to tuck all of my hair into mine because curly hair + rain = a hot mess!
  • Rain boots. You can even find a pair to match your team colors! No rain boots? No problem! Any pair of waterproof, closed toe shoes will do!
  • Layers. Layers and game days go together like peanut butter and jelly. Cold rainy day? Put on a few extra. Warm, humid and rainy? Take a couple off. There's nothing worse than being too chilly or too hot and not being able to do anything about it!
  • Hand warmers. Nothing worse than being wet AND cold!
  • Towel. To wipe the rain off of bleachers. To wipe the rain off of yourself.
  • Stadium seat/cushion. Because who wants to sit on wet bleachers?! Umm.. not me!!
  • Chair. At a game with no bleachers? Bring a chair. You can even get one like this with a canopy!
  • Canopy. Speaking of canopies, they're not just for shade. They work just as well for keeping you (and your Sports Mama bffs!) dry. You can set it up on the sidelines or in the stands. Your choice!

Honorable mention:

  • Under the Weather Pod. I don't own one, nor have I ever used one. In fact, I'm not sure I'd ever want to own one. BUT, I know that people are using them. In fact, I saw a mama with one at No. 3's flag football games last season. And I'll tell you what. She was definitely the driest person on the field. HA!

Stay dry, Sports Mamas!

Do you have a rainy game day essential that I missed? Let me know in the comment section below or in the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group!

*** Be sure to click HERE for my warm weather essentials and HERE for my cold weather essentials!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sports Mama Review: Adidas X 18.2 FG Cleats

A new soccer season is upon us! And you know what that means... yep, new cleats! My boys' feet are still growing so new cleats are always a necessity. (Click HERE to read what I do with the old ones!).

SoccerPro recently sent No. 2 a pair of Adidas X 18.2 to try out. SoccerPro provides soccer gear at great prices; they have everything from shoes to apparel to equipment. Shipping time was great, and the cleats were packaged to perfection!

The first thing that No. 2 looks for when choosing a new pair of cleats is color. He tends to gravitate toward the brighter, flashier ones- so these were right up his alley!

According to, "this silo prioritizes fit, touch and movement like no other soccer shoe. For fit on the 18.2, the premium sock offers comfort and the speed lace upper featuring a Kevlar-wire construction on the lateral side are ace. There is a speed engineered mesh for superb touch."

No. 2 has worn them for about a week and a half now (including his game today in the pouring down rain!) and seems to really like them. He says they're very comfortable and not too narrow. He also likes the fact that they are lightweight, which helps him run faster. The studs seem to provide great traction as not once did he slip or fall today, despite the soggy, wet conditions.

If your athlete is in the market for a new pair of cleats (or any other soccer related items!), I definitely recommend checking out SoccerPro. You won't be disappointed!

*** Disclaimer: SoccerPro was kind enough to send me the cleats, however, all thoughts and opinions are solely my own.***

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Sports Mama Tip: 10 Ways to Volunteer as a High School Football Mom

Just because your football player has moved on from youth to high school ball doesn't mean your days of volunteering have to be over. Here are TEN ways that you can help out as a high school football mom:

  1. Booster Club. Booster Clubs support and raise funds for the entire program. They are 100% volunteer ran, so parent participation is crucial to their success!
  2. Fundraisers. They are vital to high school programs! Funds raised go towards purchasing quality equipment, uniforms, camps and training sessions, as well as other important areas. (Click HERE for my list of top 10 fundraising ideas!).
  3. Pre-game meals. Most high schools feed their teams on game day. Feeding a football team aka small army is no easy task! (Click HERE for my tips for feeding a large team!) Volunteer a few hours of your time to help set up and serve the players.
  4. Ticket Taker/Sales. Just what it sounds like. You work the ticket booth, usually for the game before or after your player's.
  5. Chain Crew. The best seat spot in the house! You literally get to be on the field. It doesn't get much better than that!
  6. Concessions. Help sell those famous game day burgers and hot dogs! (Click HERE for my tips on running a successful concession stand + a list of the top ten best sellers!).
  7. Sell spirit wear. Who doesn't want to rock their school colors?! Sign up to work the spirit wear table!
  8. Team Videographer. At the high school level, film study is a must! One of the biggest ways you can help your team (and coach!) is by filming the games. For the best view, be sure to sit in the press box, or as high up on the bleachers as you can go!
  9. Team Photographer. Have a passion for photography? Put it to use by taking game photos and sharing them with the team. You will even be allowed down on the sidelines!
  10. Parent Liaison aka Team Mom. Yep, they even have them in high school, Mamas! I'm the Freshman Team Mom this year. Woot woot! My main responsibility is to act as the point of contact between our parents and Coaches. (Click HERE for tips on being a great Team Mom!).

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart."- Elizabeth Andrew