Wednesday, November 30, 2016

2016 Advent Calendar

We don't have a true advent calendar, per say. However, I do like to make a calendar of daily activities beginning on the First of December and leading up until Christmas Day. I write the activity of the day on a piece of cardstock, and hide it somewhere on our 7.5 foot tree. The boys enjoy looking for the day's activity almost as much as they enjoy the activity itself. I like to mix in things to do, along with things to give. Here's what I have planned this year:

  1. Write a letter to Santa.
  2. Drink hot cocoa.
  3. Zoo Lights.
  4. Help pack meals for the hungry.
  5. Read about Jesus' birth.
  6. Christmas mad libs.
  7. Make coffee filter snowflakes.
  8. Make/mail Christmas cards to deployed service members.
  9. Drive around the neighborhood looking for Christmas lights.
  10. Make ornaments.
  11. Family movie night: Watch a Christmas movie.
  12. Play Christmas bingo.
  13. Go Christmas shopping.
  14. Make Christmas cards/gifts for teachers.
  15. Make edible lumps of coal.
  16. Visit a living nativity.
  17. Build a gingerbread house.
  18. Family movie night: Watch a Christmas movie.
  19. Wrap Christmas gifts with mom.
  20. Donate coats/outerwear to a charity.
  21. Make Christmas cards for family members.
  22. Donate canned goods to a local food bank.
  23. Make Christmas cookies.
  24. Put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer.
  25. Merry Christmas! Visit family.

Happy (almost) December, y'all!

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