Thursday, March 31, 2016

Good Bye Spring Break, Hello Spring Sports!

My boys had a whopping 10 days off for Spring Break this year, and I was blessed enough to be able to take it with them! We had more of a staycation than vacation, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Ok, except maybe on a beach, barefoot, with a piña colada in hand. We took a road trip down south about 4 hours to visit my mama for a weekend, went bowling, had dinner and saw a show at Medieval Times, watched the Washington Wizards take on the Minnesota Timberwolves...just to name a few things. I totally wish there was a redo button I could hit. But, school must go on and Spring sports must begin. Below you will find our schedule until early June:

Monday- No.2 soccer practice
Tuesday- No.1 basketball practice, No.3 soccer practice
Wednesday- Breathe
Thursday- Breathe again. Friday is coming!
Friday- No. 1 basketball practice, No. 2 soccer practice, No. 3 soccer practice
Saturday- GAMES
Sunday- GAMES

I literally have a planner dedicated to my boys sports schedules. There is just no way I can keep mental notes of it all.

Did I mention registration for football begins tomorrow? Yeah, that's one of my sports mama hidden talents. I do the registration for our entire club (football players, cheerleaders, and coaches). You didn't think it magically got done on it's own, did you?

I smell a lot of crockpot meals in our future!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Basketball Cupcakes

No. 2's basketball team made it to the championship game! They only lost one game during the regular season, so they are the number one seed. In my sports mama mind that calls for none other than...CUPCAKES! Yep, I'm that mama always looking for a reason to bring goodies.

These were pretty easy to make, and I am by no means a baker. I used a boxed cake (Funfetti, to be exact), vanilla frosting, orange icing color, black icing, and a no. 2 piping tip.

I let the cupcakes cool completely prior to icing. While they were cooling, I spooned the vanilla frosting into a bowl and began to add in the orange icing color, little by little with a toothpick. It did take quite a bit of icing color to achieve that perfect basketball orange. Once iced, I drew on the black lines using the no. 2 piping tip. I began by piping the line down the middle (or the "almost" middle-ha!), then added a curved line on each side of the middle line, followed by the line across. Ta-da, basketball cupcakes!

Not too shabby for my first attempt, huh? I can't wait to share them with the team.


*** Update: THEY WON!!!!!!!!!

*** Click HERE for my soccer cupcakes and HERE for my football cupcakes! ***

Monday, March 7, 2016

Field Trip to Smithsonian American Art Museum

I chaperoned No. 1's field trip to the Smithsonian American Art Museum this past Friday. I hadn't been on many field trips with him lately as the last few field trips were what I considered more of "papi field trips". I say this not only because they were more outdoorsy (and this mama is so far from outdoorsy-unless it's a football field, of course), but a couple were also overnight trips. School rules would not allow us to sleep in the same hotel room or tent together since I'm a female. Thus, those were papi field trips.

It was about a 20 minute bus ride to get there. I once said it doesn't get worse than a bus full of Kindergarteners. I lied. Try riding with a bus full of sixth graders aka Tweens. My boy preferred to sit by his friends, which totally caught me off guard. I know he's growing up, but I still see him as my little boy. My heart was literally hurt for a few days after that. I guess I better brace myself for more heartache as we approach the teenage years.

Back to the bus ride; I ended up sitting next to a little girl in his class. Not surprisingly, the bus was pretty much split by gender. Boys on the right side, girls on the left. The girls chatted about Channing Tatum (yes, Channing Tatum-what the what!) and sang 99 bottles of beer on the wall while the boys attempted to get every truck that passed to toot their horn.

The tour itself lasted an hour. Just the right amount of time to keep (or at least try to keep) the attention span of 11 and 12 year olds. We saw all kinds of art (paintings, sculptures, drawings). One wall had upcoming exhibits which happened to include a semi-nude Greek goddess. Semi nude and sixth graders...need I say more?! If only they could stay this innocent forever.

I learned quite a bit about the history of our Country's art on this trip. However, the biggest lesson I learned is that my boy is growing up-whether I'm ready for it or not.