Tuesday, January 31, 2017

10 Truths No One Ever Told Me About Raising Boys

There are some things baby books or people will never tell you. You're just left to learn them on your on. The hard way, sometimes...

  1. They will wear the same pair of socks, day after day, if you let them. And then I got smart. No more white socks in our house. You don't own enough pairs of Batman socks to last you a full week. Don't even try it!
  2. They think they're WWE superstars. And that their brothers are their opponents. And that couches and beds are their wrestling ring. I think we've been to Home Depot twice in the last year to buy new wood planks to fix No. 3's bed.
  3. They will pee everywhere in the bathroom except IN the toilet. On the floor, the shower curtain, the sides of the toilet, the back of the toilet seat...it's all fair game. I was in Heaven when we moved and I no longer had to share a bathroom with them.  I can't even begin to count how many times I've sat in "sprinkles". I will admit though. It does get a tad better with every year that passes (and them being responsible for cleaning up their own messes!). You may just want to take up stock in Clorox...like yesterday.
  4. You will become an Uber driver. With no days off. Who works for free. How else will they get to and from football, basketball, and soccer practices?!
  5. They make all kinds of weird noises. Noises that come from both their upper and lower body parts. All the time. Especially first thing in the morning. Being married, I'm pretty positive that they will never outgrow this. Sigh. *insert eye roll*
  6. They're known to not always tell the truth when it comes to taking showers and/or brushing their teeth. I finally resorted to the "sniff test". Yep, it's exactly what it sounds like. No. 1 is out of this stage now, sigh. Not sure if it's a good or a bad thing.
  7. Their feet will smell. Their socks will smell (refer back to number 1 if you forgot why). Their shoes will smell. I'm yet to meet a sneaker ball that actually does what it claims to do. I don't have any tips for you on this one. Sorry! If you do, please let me know. I beg you!
  8. A gallon of milk sure doesn't go along way. Remember when you use to actually throw away expired milk? Ha! Not with growing boys. I consider only having to buy two gallons a week a success!
  9. The ceilings in your home will feel like they're caving in 99.9% of the time. Why did we even bother buying an outdoor basketball hoop? Dribbling and slam dunking in their bedroom (right above the living room where your parents are watching tv) is so much more fun! It'll eventually become white noise. Pick your battles, mama. Pick your battles.
  10. It's not easy. There are days that I am hit hard with mommy guilt. Like the days that I don't feel like cooking and cereal becomes dinner. Or the days that I'd rather take a nap than walk them to the park. Or the days that I yell over something only to realize a few minutes later that it was totally not worth yelling about. But you know what? They still love me. And there is NOTHING in the world more amazing than that!

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