Tuesday, January 17, 2017

They Said What?? - January 17, 2017

  • No. 1: As he was doing his English project and I was organizing my planner, "Dang mom! You plan dinner the night before?". No, kid. I work 8 hours a day, help you all with homework, transport you to and from practices, and then snap my fingers and dinner magically appears on the table. Ha. I wish!

  • No. 2: No. 1 asked him if he could bring his sweater downstairs so he could walk Ginger. No. 2 simply responded, "Sure!". Say what? I thought I was dreaming. Santa doesn't even come for another 11 months!

  • No. 3: "Wearing glasses at school isn't actually that bad". Hallelujah! I've been trying to get this boy to wear his glasses since he was in the first grade. It only took what...two years? And other students in his class needing them too, of course. Now, if I could only convince No. 1 to do the same...

What will my boys say next? Check back soon to find out!

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