Monday, January 2, 2017

8 Goals for 2017

Resolution: a firm decision to do or not to do something.

Goal: the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.

See the difference? This year I have goals, not resolutions.

  1. Less social media. In particular, less Facebook and Instagram. I love them both. They're one of the main ways I stay current on what's happening in the world, in contact with family and friends, and let's face it, social. I'm not saying I'm doing away with them both, just that I'm going to check them less frequently. Instead I want to watch more news, pick up the phone more, get out more.
  2. Wake up earlier. Gasp. I love my sleep. I'm not even going to lie. However, sleeping in past 9am on the weekends takes hours out of my day. Hours that I'd rather spend making memories with my family instead of dreaming about them. I will probably have to begin by setting my alarm (and drinking lots of coffee!), but I'm hoping that my body will get use to it after about a month or so.
  3. Pray more. This is a big one. I pray before I go to bed every night, but I'd like to pray more. Like when I wake up, when I feel happy, when I feel sad. I'd also like to pray with my children and my husband.
  4. Read more. Dr. Seuss said " The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more things that you learn, the more places you will go." I want to go more places. Even if I don't have the means to go right now. I won a Kindle Fire from my company Holiday party a few years back, but I haven't used it much. I plan on dusting it off and reading as much as I can. If you have any book suggestions, I'd love for you to share them with me.
  5. Keep our home clean(er). This is more of a family goal. Five of us share the home, so all five of us need to be responsible for keeping it clean. It's never a disaster zone, it's just not company ready 100% of the time. This is what I'm aiming for. Not to have to run around like chickens with our heads cut off when we get that call out of nowhere that Grandma is on her way. I'm working on a cleaning schedule, which I plan on sharing with you all soon.
  6. Cook more, eat out less. Drive-thrus easily become a sports mama's best friend...especially during football season. I want to meal plan more, crockpot more, eat healthy more, and spend less money. Eating out adds up quick. I can think of 101 things I'd rather spend that money on.
  7. Exercise. I'm terrible at this. I use to faithfully attend Zumba classes, and then life got busy. Like crazy busy. This year I'm hoping to be more active. I don't have to join a gym to get busy. I can walk Ginger further, run with the hubby, walk the track at the boys' practices. I'm hoping to drop the excuses...and the muffin top!
  8. Continue to blog. I love blogging. In 2016 I started this blog and wrote a whopping 92 posts! I plan on writing just as many this year, if not more. Blogging serves as not only my creative outlet but as a scrapbook of sorts, as well. It's quickly become one of my absolute favorite hobbies.

Happy New Year, friends! Let's make 2017 amazing!

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