Tuesday, December 12, 2017

My Go-To Sports Mama Makeup Look

Hi Mamas! Something you all may not know about me is that I'm a tad makeup obsessed. I love all things shadows, lippies, blushes, and brushes. I can watch makeup tutorials for hours and have what my aunt has referred to as a "mini Sephora" in my room.

But all smokey eyes and bold lips have their place! And for me, my kids' games aren't it.

This is my go-to sports mama makeup look:

Super natural. Super simple. And best of all, super quick!

And here's how you can get the look yourself:

Skin: No foundation whatsoever, just clean skin and my favorite moisturizer.

Cheeks: I have a round face, so contouring with a little bronzer (or in this case, a dark blush) is a must for me. Not to mention that it gives my skin a bit of color!

Brows: This is probably my No. 1 makeup essential of all-time! If I could only choose one makeup product to wear for the rest of my life, this would definitely be it. If my brows aren't done, nothing else works!

Eyes: Mascara is a must! Add some to both your top and bottom lashes to lengthen and darken. Here's a quick tip: add a little extra to your lash lines and it'll give the appearance of eyeliner!

I also like to add a little concealer (about 1-2 shades lighter than my skin) underneath my eyes. No matter how early your athlete's game is, this step will help you look wide awake. Don't forget to add some setting powder to keep it from creasing!

Lips: Sometimes I'll wear a tinted lip balm and other times I'll wear actual lipstick. Just depends on my mood... and whether or not my lips need some extra tlc.

That's it! 6 steps, 5 minutes, and you're ready for whatever your athlete's day throws at you!

What's ONE makeup product you just CAN'T live without? Let me know in the comment section below or click HERE join the discussion in the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook Group!

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Sports Mama Review: Build-A-Head

What better way to show just how proud you are of your young athlete than with one of those "big heads"?!? You mamas know what I'm talking about. Those big heads on a stick that can be spotted at all types of sporting events, from high school basketball games to marathons.

Though many different companies offer them, Build-A-Head is my first stop shop. Why Build-A-Head? For starters, they have A+ customer service. The minute you log on to their website, you are greeted by a virtual support agent letting you know they are available should you have any questions. The order process from beginning to end is so simple.

Then there's the actual big head cutout itself. You simply upload your photo (click HERE to view their photo quality guide) and Build-A-Head will create a high-end, high-quality slim face cardboard cutout for you. Their website even guarantees that they are the "least expensive and best quality big head you can find." Prices range from $19.99 for a 12x18" to $49.99 for a giant, 3-foot cutout.

And finally, the shipping. My order arrived so quickly. It was packaged with extra care and included a note to the postal office to be sure they were not bent in transit. You can even choose next day shipping, should you need it.

I received my 12x18" big heads along with self-adhesive sticks. So much more sturdy (and better looking!) than scotch tape.

My boys were so excited to see their "big heads".

Here's No. 1 and I...

and me with No. 2! I posted both photos on my Instagram account and my niece commented, "I was so confused for a second". Ha!

They look that real!

I can't wait to use them during football season!!! Such a great addition to my (always growing) sports mama spirit wear collection!

And Build-A-Heads aren't just for football. They're perfect for all sports as well as graduations, birthdays, and parties!

Big heads on a stick not your thing? No worries! They also make key chains, ornaments, and more.

Let everyone in the stands know exactly which athlete is yours, without having to say a word.

Order your Build-A-Head today!

*** Disclaimer: Build-A-Head was kind enough to send me their product, however, all thoughts and opinions are solely my own.***

Friday, December 8, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: Cold Weather Essentials

Baby, it's COLD outside! In fact, we're expecting 2-4 inches of snow here in Northern Virginia. Lucky for me, all three of my boys play basketball during the Winter so I can't complain too much. BUT, that doesn't mean that I'm not outside freezing my sports mama butt off during the end of football season and the beginning of Spring soccer!

I'd like to think that I've learned a thing or two over the last decade as a great portion of that time has been spent sitting on the sidelines of a field. And staying warm is definitely one of them!

Here is my list of cold weather essentials to help keep you warm and toasty all season long:

  • Coat. A real coat; not a sweatshirt, fleece, or windbreaker. You need an insulated coat with a hood. Columbia and North Face make some super warm (and cute!) ones.
  • Beanie. Even if your coat has a hood, you still want to wear one underneath. Being that it is fitted, it will do a much better job at keeping your head (and ears) warm!
  • Gloves. I don't know about you? But, my hands are always the first thing to get cold! And cold hands are painful; and lead to dry, cracked hands of course. Click HERE to learn how to make your own spirit finger gloves!
  • Layers. You can always take them off if you get too warm. This is probably my number one cold weather essential. I like the 32° brand Heat Base Layers. They're very similar to long underwear, but more lightweight. No more looking like you're wearing a diaper. Ha!
  • Uggs. They are the absolute warmest boots in my opinion! I have a few different types, but the classic tall ones are my go-to when I know I'll be out in the cold. 
  • Hand warmers. With just a quick shake, they help keep your hands warm for up to 10 hours. I simply tuck them inside of my gloves (or Uggs!) and I'm good to go!
  • Blanket(s). I use a packable, down throw blanket that I received from one of my favorite football mama's a couple of years back. I love it because it's lightweight, yet very warm. And my favorite part about it is that it comes with a carrying bag that fits perfectly in my Sports Mama Bag!
  • Stadium seat. If your field has bleachers, of course. There's nothing worse than not being able to sit down because your backside is cold. They even make heated ones! If you don't have one, a thick blanket will do!
  • Hot chocolate. Because your insides deserve to be warm too! You can buy some at the concession stand or make your own at home and carry it in your favorite stainless-steel thermos.
  • Portable heater. Perfect for keeping toasty while tailgating!

Stay warm, mamas!

Did I miss anything? Let me know in the comment section below!

*** Warm in your neck of the woods? No worries. I got you covered, Mama! Click HERE to read my Warm Weather Essentials. ***

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: How To Deal With a Losing Season

"It's not if you win or lose, it's how you play the game". We've all heard it a thousand times before. And to a certain extent, it's true. Especially in youth sports. But let's face it, no one is having fun when you're constantly losing (especially if you're losing badly!); not the players, nor the parents.

My boys have each had at least one losing season. When No. 1 was in the 5th grade, his travel basketball team lost all 11 of their games. That same year, No. 2's 4th grade basketball team lost of all their games. And most recently, No. 3's Fall soccer team lost each and every one of their games. It was not easy. And it was definitely not fun, but they stuck with it.

Just yesterday a family member mentioned that their son was going to quit his basketball team after they lost their first game 57-12 last Saturday. I bit my tongue and we moved on to the next subject.

I don't know about you, but that would definitely NOT be allowed in our house! There is no I in team. Win or lose, they are committed for the entire season.

So, what can you do to keep your player motivated and committed during a challenging season?

Listen to them. If they feel like talking, of course. Be a shoulder to lean on. A good listening, non-judgmental confidant. We all know that talking and expressing our feelings is one of the best forms of therapy.

Be their mom, not their coach. Leave the stat chat on the field. There is no need to press the issue. Instead focus on how proud you are of them for doing their best and finishing each game strong. Tell them about a time you faced adversity.

Praise them for what they did well. It's not all about scoring the most goals or baskets. Did they keep their composure? Did they show great sportsmanship? Did they play the entire game because the team was short players? Did they cheer their teammates on? All of these are attributes of a great athlete.

Give them real life examples. Tell them about how Michael Jordan was cut from his high school team yet went on to be the most known basketball player in history. Tell them how there have been a total of 11 NFL teams to go completely winless in a season. Children look up to famous people. Let them know they too have had tough seasons.

Shift their focus elsewhere. Sometimes you just need to forget it even happened, especially after a big loss. Take them out for a post-game lunch date, grab some fro-yo, or go for a walk to the park. Whatever it takes to get their thoughts elsewhere.

As Coach Hubby tells his teams "everyone knows how to win, but not everyone knows how to lose." These tough seasons without a doubt build character. If they won every single game, all the time, there would be absolutely nothing to gain; nothing to build on. Losing builds character. It makes them work harder. It teaches them to overcome adversity. It makes them appreciate victories, both small and large. In other words, it gives them life skills.

So while losing is not the ideal season, it should not be seen as a wasted season either. Every practice and game is a lesson learned, regardless of the score.

Monday, December 4, 2017

10 Signs You May Be Suffering From Football Withdrawal Syndrome

I miss football season. There's no hiding it. Going from seeing the same group of kids and families several times a week, every single week, from the end of July to November to no longer seeing most of them at all is tough. The bond that is formed amongst the team is in my opinion, unlike any other. You become more than a team; you become family.

So it's no surprise that many of us currently find ourselves suffering from what I like to call, Football Withdrawal Syndrome or FWS.

Football Withdrawal Syndrome- a set of symptoms that occur in a football mama at the end of the season; usually in October or November. Symptoms completely dissolve at the start of the next season; usually in late July or early August.

If you have at least 5 of the 10 symptoms listed below, than you mama may be suffering from FWS too.

  1. Wearing your football spirit wear to basketball games (or whatever other sport your child is currently participating in).
  2. The inability to pack your cowbell away.
  3. Reminiscing through the 579 football photos on your iPhone... several times a day.
  4. Logging into TeamSnap, even though you know there is nothing new for you to view.
  5. Still buying your oranges and Gatorades in bulk.
  6. Filling your "team mom" board on Pinterest with ideas and inspiration for next season.
  7. Finding turf (turds) in your house and feeling like tearing up, instead of screaming.
  8. Eating dinner at 6pm like a normal family.
  9. Playing a team in your child's current sport that happens to be from the same area of a team that beat you during football season, and thinking how much you hate them.
  10. Counting down the months, days, hours, and seconds until next season.

Don't worry mamas, FWS doesn't last forever!

Want to join a group of REAL sports mamas, just like yourself? Click HERE to join the Confessions of a Sports Mama Facebook group!

Monday, November 27, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: 2017 Holiday Gift Ideas!

Thanksgiving has come and gone! Our tree is up and all Fall décor has been replaced by Christmas décor.

And of course, the boys' wish lists have been made!

I didn't get to do any shopping at all on Black Friday, as I was still recovering from football hangover. (How about them Redskins?!?)

So, I'm hoping to snag some Cyber Monday deals! But first, I thought I'd share some of the sports related items on their lists with you all.

  • Basketball knee pads

  • Headbands

  • "Cool" Socks   

  • Compression pants

  • Jerseys

  • Madden 2K18

  • Gift Cards- Foot Locker, Dick's, GameStop, Target, Visa, and Amazon are always a hit.

I hope this list gave you some ideas for the little (or big!) sports fanatic(s) in your life.

Happy shopping, mamas!!!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Weekend Snapshots: Football Ends & Basketball Begins!

This past weekend was a busy one. We had three football parties and five basketball games!

We kicked it off at a local bowling alley for Coach Hubby and No. 1's end of season party. Which by the way was completely covered by our touchdown jar! For one all inclusive price, each boy received two and a half hours of bowling, shoes, and his choice of pizza, chicken tenders, a hot dog, or mini corn dogs.

And you just can't have an end of season party without cake...

Or coaches gifts!

I purchased each coach a personalized beer glass with donations I received from our parents.

And a t-shirt in our colors with the entire team roster on the back of it!

Each player received one as well.

Along with a trophy provided by our club, for making it to the semifinals!

I loved how they took turns signing each others jerseys.

A great time was had by all; players, coaches, parents, and this team mama alike!

On Saturday, No. 1 jumped right into basketball. His team had their first tourney of the season.

Two games, two wins!

And then we were off to No. 2's football end of season party. His assistant coach was gracious (and brave!) enough to open his home to 15 tween boys and their families.

There were burgers, hotdogs, sides, and sweets galore. So much fun!

On Sunday, it was back to the hardwood.

Three games later, and No. 1 and his team were 5-0 and tournament CHAMPIONS!!! Woot woot!

But our Sunday didn't end there. After the tournament, I accompanied Coach Hubby to a football coaches party.

The end of football season is always so bittersweet. And although I'm sad to see it go, basketball season came in with a bang, and I'm ready for it!

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: Gift Ideas For Your Team Mom!

Team mamas are special. They are the team secretary, team cheerleader, team organizer, team party planner, team nurse, team counselor, team chauffeur, team photographer, amongst so many other things. In the words of my sweet friend Mindy, she is "the lady on the field that loves those boys just as much as their own mom".

Despite being all of these things, a fellow football mama brought to my attention recently that there aren't many resources out there with ideas for gifts for team moms. She asked me if I'd write a post with some, so here we go!

  • Personalized apparel. Team mamas are full of team spirit, so you just can't go wrong with giving her something that she can wear proudly in the stands. Add a little bling if you can; because bleachers and bling, it's a sports mama thing!
  • Meal prep service. I received a certificate for one of these a few seasons ago, and let me tell you- it came in handy! Your team mama spends more time at practices and games than she does at home, she'll take all the help she can get when it comes to cooking. Winner, winner, chicken (or whatever else she feels like eating!) dinner!
  • Sports (spectating) gear. Because after all, that's what she does best. A cowbell, touchdown jar , stadium blanket, monopod; basically anything she can use on the sidelines is sure to have her smiling from ear to ear!
  • Gift card. I don't think you can ever go wrong with this one. If you aren't exactly sure where to get her one to, a Visa is always your safest bet. This way she can buy herself whatever her little heart desires.
  • Thank you card. This is hands down the gift that touches my heart the most. Your team mama doesn't do all that she does for the recognition. She does it because she loves it. A few kind words go a long way!
  • Trophy! I've never received one, but I came across this one on Pinterest and thought it was the cutest thing EVER!!!

What gifts have you given your favorite team mamas? Let me know in the comment section below!

*** 11/6/18 No. 1's Freshman football team surprised me with this football signed by the entire team. I absolutely LOVE it!!! I'm sure your team mama would too!

And how cool is this?!?

Heather S., one of the awesomely creative Sports Mamas in our Facebook Group made it for her team mama!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Sports Mama Tip: End of Season Party Checklist

Fall Sports came to an end for us this weekend. No. 3 had his last soccer game of the season and both No. 1 and No. 2's football teams fell just one game short of the championship. Such a heartbreaker!

Though we don't have anymore practices or games, my job as team mama (for No. 1's team) is not yet done. I'm currently working on finalizing details for our end of season festivities.

Here is MY end of season party checklist to help make YOUR end of season party a breeze!

2 weeks before:

  • Book your end of season party. Some of my favorite places include bowling alleys, laser tag, or local sports bars. You could also have a potluck at the field or even your home. Kids aren't picky, they'll be happy with whatever you decide!
  • Collect money for coaches gifts. I never specify a numeric amount when collecting. I always let parents give what they want/can. Click HERE for 6 personalized gift ideas!
  • Order trophies/players gifts. Some of my go-to non-trophy ideas include medals, photo books, and t-shirts.

1 week before:

  • Send out invites. Don't wait until the last minute. You want the entire team to be able to make it!
  • Collect party money. The cost should not all fall on you and coach. During football season, we have a touchdown jar which usually covers our parties in full. No need to ask for money at the end of the season!
  • Order a cake. Photo cakes are always a big hit!

Day before:

  • Send out a reminder email. Life gets busy. You don't want a player to miss the party, because their parent forgot to add the date to their calendar.
  • Pack a party bag/box. I tend to forget things when I wait until the last minute. Be sure that you have your camera, coaches gifts, and player gifts packed and ready to go.

Day of:

  • Pick up the cake. Schedule it to be ready several hours before the party, so that it's one less thing you have to worry about.
  • Arrive about 15-20 minutes earlier than the team. This will give you time to get your self situated, decorate, and work out any last minute issues, should they arise.


  • Let others help you. You shouldn't have to do it all. Find volunteers to help you set-up, serve food, take pictures, and clean up.
  • Enjoy yourself! Because you're the real MVP, mama!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Why My Children Play Youth Sports

"Why do I spend more time in my car driving my boys to and from practice every week than I do at home?"

"Why do I spend six hours out of my Saturday at the football and soccer field?"

"Why do I spend the amount of money I do to keep my boys involved in sports all year long?"

"Why do I invest the energy, time, and money into being a sports mom?"

I can't tell you how many times I've been asked these questions over the years; sometimes by those closest to me.

It's not that I'm looking for a ticket to early retirement (although let's be real, that'd be sweet!). It has nothing to do with that at all.

I do it because it teaches them to be less selfish.

I do it because it teaches them to be a team player.

I do it because it teaches them that hard work does pay off.

I do it because it teaches them dedication.

I do it because it teaches them commitment.

I do it because it teaches them how to balance their time between academics and extra curricular activities.

I do it because it teaches them to have respect for authority.

I do it because it teaches them discipline.

I do it because it teaches them how to deal with defeat.

I do it because of the joy they experience when they win.

I do it because it gets them away from electronics.

I do it because it keeps them off of the streets.

I do it because of the long lasting friendships they make.

I do it because of the health benefits they receive from being physically active.

I do it because it builds confidence.

I do it because it builds character.

I do it because it builds self-esteem.

I do it because it builds social skills.

You see, the answer is really quite simple.

I don't do it for me. No, not at all.

I do it all for them.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fall Sports: A Look Through My Camera Lens

Fall is a busy time for us. The lax days of Summer come to an end, a new school year begins, and all three of the boys are once again involved in sports. Both No. 1 and No. 2 are playing football (on different teams!) and No. 3 is playing soccer. And mama, well she resumes her role as resident photographer.

Here is a small peak into our Fall through the eyes of my camera:

Though there is no way that I can stop my boys from growing up, I am ever so grateful that I CAN pause these precious moments with the simple click of a button.